
Who we are and what we do

Churches Together in Lancashire (CTL) is a Registered Charity (Charity No: 1160021), that supports Christian denominations and congregations to promote mission and unity in the service of the community.  

Churches Together in Lancashire supports churches and congregations working together in covenanted Local Ecumenical Partnerships, (LEPs) and aims to support and resource local Churches Together groups across the county.

Churches Together in Lancashire works with other Faith Communities and offers training resources in inter-faith dialogue and partnership.

Churches Together in Lancashire works with secular structures, such as local councils and authorities, schools and colleges, healthcare organisations in order promote the wellbeing of whole community.

Churches Together in Lancashire is part of Churches Together in England.


Churches Together in Lancashire brings together those Christians who affirm their belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and who have chosen to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Members uphold the object of Churches Together in Lancashire which is "the advancement of the Christian Faith and other purposes which are charitable according to the law of England and Wales".  

Churches Together in Lancashire invites partnership with other groups in order to meet the needs of the community and build strong, safe and caring environments for all.

To see the membership criteria please click here:  

To view the full constitution of Churches Together in Lancashire click here:

To download a membership form click here